21500 Gibraltar Drive, Port Charlotte, FL 33952 |    941-289-7628

About Us

Who is PORCH?

Our Mission

To advocate for the development and construction of safe, functional, affordable, and sustainable housing for SW Florida residents.

The Problem

In our community, housing insecurity is a reality in a place where average wages can’t keep pace with rising housing costs. Too many people are forced to pay more than 30% if their income on housing, leaving little money for other necessities such as food, clothing, transportation, and education OR they find themselves homeless. Independent studies indicate that just in Charlotte County more than 10,000 additional housing units are needed by 2025 to keep up with the growing population and 5,553 of those units should be for those earning less than 80% of the area median income.

The Solution

PORCH envisions a day, when safe, affordable housing is available to all economically disadvantaged SW Florida populations, including disabled Veterans, the underemployed, the homeless, and those with special needs. Housing would be available at reasonable rates, such that our residents are encouraged to remain in our community and live as productive, contributing citizens.

The Plan

PORCH takes a community leadership role in convening organizations throughout the region and calling attention to the needs for affordable housing, while facilitating cross-organization solutions. PORCH also operates as a Community Land Trust, focused on tackling our community’s affordable housing shortage, one rental at a time. PORCH builds, acquires, and renovates properties to be used as rental homes and makes those properties available for low-income families and individuals with special needs. Affordability will be maintained, as rents will not exceed 30% of the household’s income. As a land trust, PORCH will ensure affordability in perpetuity (99+ years).


PORCH stands for Peace River Community Housing Partners.


  • PORCH is dedicated to the development of safe, functional, affordable, and sustainable housing.
  • The organization’s current strategic priority is the development of affordable rental housing for Veterans.


PORCH is a 501(c)3 Community Land Trust which is currently run 100% by volunteers. Because PORCH is a Community Land Trust, the term of affordability on PORCH properties is perpetuity (99+ years). A Community Land Trust provides lasting community assets and permanently affordable housing opportunities for families and communities. The heart of PORCH’s work as a community land trust is the creation of homes that will remain permanently affordable for generations of lower income families.

Why Partner with PORCH?

A Donor’s Perspective

It’s no secret that Floridians are currently dealing with a major housing problem, leaving many low-income families to scrape and struggle to find an affordable home. Victims of this crisis include low-income veterans who served their country bravely. Now, it’s our turn. Integrity Employee Leasing serves those in need by supporting various nonprofit organizations who have a positive impact on our local communities. After witnessing the genuine passion and determination of PORCH, Integrity was thrilled to contribute to a flooring project for a veteran in need of assistance. Partnering with this organization was a no-brainer!

Our Board